The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling — A Christian's critique of the Talmud as it interprets Biblical teachings. We have included hundreds of scanned exhibits and references to the Soncino Talmud and the King James Bible, each hot-linked to the source for this HTML presentation. It also contains images of the 300 exhibits from the printed book that Dilling collected from encyclopedias, State Department papers, periodicals, the Soncino Talmud, and rabbinical writings.
The Babylonian Talmud — A hypertext version of the Jews' College (London) translation of the Babylonian Talmud: Tractates Sanhedrin, Berakoth, Shabbath, Yebamoth, Kethuboth, Nedarim, Nazir, Sotah, Gittin, Baba Kamma, Baba Mezi'a, Baba Bathra, Abodah Zarah, Horayoth, Niddah, and Tohoroth. The Jews' College translation was published through Soncino Press between 1935 and 1948. It was the first complete English translation, produced by the most authoritative Judaic scholars in the world. It is the gold standard of English Talmuds, but chances are you won't find it in your local public library!
Rabbinic Commentary — An array of renowned rabbinical scholars help us get in touch with the ancient Sages of the Talmud. In their own words, these scholarly rabbis amplify, interpret, and present the most important aspects of the Talmud, and the application of its principles to everyday life.