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Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Yebamothwhat [is the law]:1 Are we guided by the marriage2 or by the betrothal?3 — The other replied to him: You have learned it: IF THEY BECAME WIDOWS OR WERE DIVORCED AFTER MARRIAGE THEY REMAIN INELIGIBLE; IF AFTER BETROTHAL THEY BECOME ELIGIBLE.4 The first said to him: With reference to rendering her a halalah,5 I have no doubt that it is the forbidden cohabitation6 that causes her to be a halalah. My question is only: What is implied by, And he shall take a wife in her virginity:7 Is the 'taking' of betrothal required,8 or is it the 'taking' of marriage that is required?9 The other replied, You have learned this also: [A priest who] betrothed a widow, and was subsequently appointed to be a High Priest, may consummate the marriage!10 — There it is different because it is written, Shall he take to wife.11 Here also it is written wife!12 — Only one13 but not two. And what is the reason?14 — In the case of the one,15 her body has undergone a change;16 in that of the other her body underwent no change.
GEMARA. Our Rabbis taught: A widow … shall he not take,17 whether she became a widow after a betrothal or after a marriage. Is not this obvious?20 — It might have been assumed that [the meaning of] widow21 is to be inferred from widow22 in the case of Tamar; as there22 it was one after marriage, so here21 also it is one after marriage; hence we were taught [that any widow was meant]. But might it not be suggested that it is indeed so?23 — [It is compared] to a divorced woman:24 As 'divorced woman'24 [includes any divorcee] whether after betrothal or after marriage,25 so also 'widow'24 [includes any widow] whether after betrothal or after marriage. HE SHALL NOT MARRY ONE WHO IS ADOLESCENT. Our Rabbis taught: And he shall take a wife in her virginity26 excludes one who is adolescent, whose virginity is ended; so R. Meir. R. Eleazar and R. Simeon permit the marriage of one who is adolescent. On what principle do they differ? — R. Meir is of the opinion that virgin27 implies even [one who retains] some of her virginity; her virginity28 implies only one who retains all her virginity;29 in her virginity30 implies only [when previous intercourse with her took place] in the natural manner,31 but not when in an unnatural manner.32 R. Eleazar and R. Simeon, however, are of the opinion that virgin would have implied a perfect virgin; her virginity implies even [one who retains] only part of her virginity;33 in her virginity implies only one whose entire virginity is intact,34 irrespective of whether [previous intercourse with her was] of a natural or unnatural character.35 Rab Judah stated in the name of Rab: A woman who was subjected to unnatural intercourse is disqualified from marrying a priest.36 Raba raised an objection: And she shall be his wife,37 applies to a woman eligible to marry him. This excludes [the marriage of] a widow38 to a High Priest,39 of a divorced woman38 and a haluzah38 to a common priest. Now, how is one to understand [the outrage]?40 If it be suggested that it was one of natural intercourse, what [it may be asked] was the object of pointing to her widowhood41 when [her prohibition] could be inferred from the fact that she had |
had carnal intercourse with a man?42 Must it not consequently [be assumed to be] a case of unnatural intercourse; and the only reason43 [why the woman is forbidden44 is] because she is a widow, and not because she had had carnal intercourse!45
Yebamoth 59b— This1 represents the view of2 R. Meir,3 while Rab holds the same view as R. Eleazar.4 If [Rab holds the same view] as R. Eleazar, what was the object of pointing to her previous carnal intercourse5 when [her prohibition] could have been inferred from the fact that she was a harlot,6 R. Eleazar having stated that an unmarried man who cohabited with an unmarried woman with no matrimonial intention renders her thereby a harlot!7 — R. Joseph replied:8 When, for instance, the woman was subjected to intercourse with a beast, where the reason of 'previous carnal intercourse' may be applied but not that of harlot.9 Said Abaye to him: Whatever you prefer [your reply cannot be upheld], If she is a be'ulah10 she must also be a harlot; and if she is not a harlot11 she cannot be a be'ulah either! And were you to reply: This case is similar to that of a wounded woman,12 [it may be pointed out] that if [the disqualification should be extended to] unnatural intercourse also,13 you will find no woman eligible to marry a [High Priest [since there is not one] who has not been in some way |
wounded14 by a splinter! No, said R. Zera,15 in respect of a minor who made a declaration of refusal.16
R. Shimi b. Hiyya stated: A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a priest.17 Likewise it was taught: A woman who had intercourse with that which is no human being,18 though she is in consequence subject to the penalty of stoning,19 is nevertheless permitted to marry a priest.20 When R. Dimi came21 he related: It once happened at Haitalu22 that while a young woman was sweeping the floor23 a village dog24 covered her from the rear,25 and Rabbi permitted her to marry a priest. Samuel said: Even a High Priest. But was there a High Priest in the days of Rabbi?26 — Rather, [Samuel meant]: Fit for a High Priest. Raba of Parzakaia27 said to R. Ashi: Whence is derived the following statement which the Rabbis made: Harlotry is not applicable to bestial intercourse? — It is written, Thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot, or the price of a dog,28 and yet we learned that the hire of a dog29 and the price of a harlot30 are permitted31 because it is said, Even both these,28 two only but not four. Our Rabbis taught: [A High Priest] shall not marry the woman he himself has outraged or seduced.32 If, however, he married her, the marriage is valid.33 He shall not marry a woman whom another man has outraged or seduced. If he did marry her, the child, said R. Eliezer b. Jacob, is profaned:34 but the Sages said: The child is legitimate.35 'If, however, he married her, the marriage is valid'. Said R. Huna in the name of Rab: But he must put her aside by a letter of divorce. What, then, [is the explanation] of the statement 'If, however, he married her, the marriage is valid'? — R. Aha b. Jacob replied: It was meant to imply - To Next Folio -
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