The Revolutionary“ AAA Ballot

Voting with the AAA Ballot is all about three obvious FACTS: 

aaa ballot

1. We the People don’t get to vote on anything that really matters because we only get to choose between pile of crap A or pile of crap B instead of options and candidates we ourselves have selected.

2. We have never had any real way of knowing if our votes were counted! And . . .

3. We have never had the ability to see how others voted which if you stop to think about it, is TOTALLY BACKWARDS.  For instance would you support someone who elected officials responsible for mask mandates and forced vaccinations with untested vaccines or for legalizing pedophilia, promoting transgender in schools or ruining the lives of millions of our youths from fighting in unnecessary wars? Of course not but you currently have no way to see how others vote! That means anyone could be a traitor and you’d never even know it which is exactly the case! We’re going to change all of that and end corruption around the world with this sort of transparency! There will no longer be any way for treasonous scum to hide! 






(For those using the Spanish translator, please go to the professionally translated page for accuracy in legal terminology.)

Traducción Española


OK, this all begins with a simple acknowledgement that things are completely out of hand and We the People have to say NO MORE.


For Democracy, Freedom & Justice

We The People Do NOT Consent To:

We Say No to: US Officials Keeping Traitorous Alliances or Supporting Bigoted Special Interests of Citizens United, Super Pacs, the ADL, AIPAC, SPLC, JDL, & Etc. Anti-Democratic Entities

We Say No to: The Plethora of Illegal and Anti-Democratic Presidential Orders and Other Non-Congressional Changes To The Constitution Of The United States of America and our Bill of Rights

We Say No to: Any Minority Religious, Ethnical or Other Group Owning/Controlling the Majority of U.S. TV/Radio Channels, Newspapers, Magazines, Books, Movie Studios, Banks and Largest Corporations

We Say No to: Diplomatic Immunity, Noahide and Sharia Laws Passed By Congress Which Make It Legal for Some to Cheat, Rape, Persecute & Enslave the Common Man at Home or Abroad

We Say No to: All Forms of Government Sponsored/Sanctioned Propaganda and Use of Psychological Warfare to Oppress We The People Via Mental Conditioning/Programming of All Kinds

We Say No to: Covert Modification Of Earths’ Weather via HAARP, NEXRAD and/or the Introduction of Harmful Metallic, Chemical or Biological Elements Into Our Air, Water, Soils or Food

We Say No to: Eugenics & Population Control via Private Labeling of Foods, GMOs, Tainted Vaccines, Flouridated Drinking Water, Psychotropic Drugs & Etc. Harms of All Kinds to the General Public

We Say No to: Unwelcome and Unnecessary, Non-Court Ordered Data Mining, Sharing of Private Info, Surveillance and Recordings of All Kinds By Government and/or Commercial Entities

We Say No to: The U.S. Government Allowing Censorship or Banning of Truthful Information by Publicly Traded Companies Such as Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter or the “Big 5“ of Media

We Say No to: The Fraudulently Enacted Federal Reserve Act of 1913, We Demand the FED (or it’s replacement, i.e. “Outbank”) Be Owned and Governed By “We The People” As it Used to Be

We Say No to: Our Youths and Our Military Being Used To Terrorize and Heinously Murder Completely Innocent, Non-Aggressive, Unarmed Men, Women and Children Anywhere on Earth

We Say No to: Traitorous Communists, Fascists or Socialists Having Dual Citizenship In the United States of America or Working in Our Government, Schools, Media or Entertainment Industries

We Say No to: Being “Policed” by Dangerous SWAT Teams In Military Assault Vehicles Armed w/Military Grade Projectiles, Sonic, Electromagnetic, Radiation or Other Combat Weaponry

We Say No to: The Department of Army Field Manual 30-39.40 and the Army Regulation 210-35 for Civilian Inmate Labor Program, 2 Documents Every American Must Be Aware Of

We Say No to: Any US Officials’ Involvement w/Occult (secretive) Practices of Talmudism, Satanism or Luciferianism (Yale’s Skull & Bones, the Bohemian Club, CFR, etc.)

NOT Oligarchy, Oppression & Injustice!
Dear Compatriot, along with all that, you’ve also been cunningly robbed of your ability to vote on any issues that really matter to you. But regaining your rights is simple, painless, peaceful and rewarding both personally and monetarily (if desired by the majority, see initiative #9). That said, there is another important use for this ballot that comes with a very serious note of caution; Those who don’t support this are LITERALLY YOUR MORTAL ENEMIES, BEWARE. They seek to enact martial law to safeguard themselves from retaliation by you and your fellow countrymen/women upon your awakening. As you should be able to clearly see, the people responsible for all the above don’t care one iota about you and yours. Use your head, see the obvious, if someone balks at this or refuses to participate, ask yourself why? Who wouldn’t want democracy in America and why would anyone be opposed to the TRUTH, FREEDOM & JUSTICE??? The reason of course is they’re treasonous, criminal bigots who like all crooks don’t want to be caught. Your freedom, security and likely even your life itself depend on this working, inform others & support REAL DEMOCRACY!


Next the ballot itself, but first a quick note; Just as an FYI; we’ll be able to change any of the 26 initiatives below if the majority decides to. (Basically, someone had to come up with the first set to empower folks to do all of this so, that was us. They’re excellent, common sense initiatives which we kept simple/short so they could fit on just 2 letter sized sheets of paper. So, some fine tuning will surely be required and of course many new ones will be adopted. But we have the launching pad and that’s all We the People needed!)

Upon Determination of Majority Rule of Voters from My County by the Person I Hereby Appoint I Demand all Parts of this be Immediately Adopted as Law Without Delay/s of Any Kind for any Reason/s and any Individuals Responsible for Delay/s will be Considered Committers of the Crime of Treason Punishable by We the People (WTP) Without Legal Procedure. By exercising my constitutional, God given right to vote in this democratic process, I understand and agree; I am 16 years of age or older; I have lived in the USA for 1 or more years to date; and I will only vote once on this UNIDIGI PUBLIC BILL #1:

I Have Read and Agree with the "Do Not Consent Notice" and Want All Voices Heard In This REAL Democratic Process
Aside from the Qualifiers in the Paragraph Above I Demand that All Votes Hereto be Accepted by My City, County, State and Federal Government/s Without Protest/s or Refusal/s of Any Kind and; I Hereby Appoint associates of the Affirmative Action Alliance overseen by David Allender of Unidigi Authority for Collecting All Votes to Determine Majority Will of WTP in My County and Informing My Sheriff and/or Other Controlling Officials of What They Must Do to Conform Herewith. Any Resistance From Anyone to Adhere to my Demand Shall be Considered Treason Punishable by WTP Without Legal Procedure.
Henceforth WTP Will Select All City, County, State and Federal Servants and Must Pre-Approve All Major Govt Actions
I Believe All Major Decisions (candidates, elections, firing of government employees, changes in policy, law, monetary or resource expenditures, military aggression and whatever else we choose ongoing) Must Require Majority Public Support Found By Way of Free, Secure and Transparent Online Polling and Voting with or other online resource per the majority will of WTP.
Support and Funding to Build a New Public Owned Internet Resource to be Solely Owned and Regulated By WTP
I Demand Free Speech, Total Security/Privacy in All Transactions and a Transparent, Electronic System for Polls and Voting of All Kinds with FREE and Convenient Access For Everyone. Upon Passage of This Bill I Want my County to Provide Unidigi with 1% of its Annual Forecasted Revenue to be Paid Within 30 Days to Begin Accomplishing This and Continuing Each Year Henceforth.
Full Government and Media Cooperation With We the People In Informing the Public About This Bill
Any Censoring of this Project or Failure to See It Gets Full, Honest Coverage (especially by govt officials and media persons) is Traitorous to WTP. Silence is Aiding and Abetting the Enemy As Well As Dereliction of Duty When There’s an Obvious Requirement to Act for the Common Good, Both are Felonies to be Punishable Without Legal Procedure Henceforth by WTP.
Youths Deserve Equal Say In All Matters Relevant to Their and Our Immediate Futures
The Minimum Age Requirement of 18 to Vote is Nonsensical. If any Person 16 (sixteen) Years of Age or Older is of Sound Mind and Can Comprehend The Basis of These Issues Being Voted On, They Should Have a Say in Voting Now and Henceforth.
Cease Foreclosures and Evictions of WTP from Primary Residences and Illegalize Credit Checks For Housing
26 Million U.S. Homes Handed To Corrupt FED Banksters for Absolutely FREE by U.S. Sheriffs Since 2000 is Enough. Regardless of Ones' Credit Score or Financial Condition I Want Everyone to Have a Home and Wish To End Homelessness.
Investigate, Arrest and Prosecute All Parties Suspected of Involvement in 9/11 and Other Terrorist False Flag Ops
WTP Want a New Fully Transparent Investigation of the Events Leading Up to and Following 9/11 with Our Questions Answered by All Suspects. No Closed Doors, Hedging, Skirting or Avoidance of Pertinent Questions. Aside from Personal Issues Having to do with Family, Sex or Health, I Believe at Risk of Treason, All Public Officials Must Be Legally Required To Publicly Answer All Reasonable Questions Posed to Them, Especially on the Horrific 9/11 Attacks and All Acts of Aggression Stemmed Therefrom.
Build a Team with Authority Over All Military and Law Enforcement Personnel Dedicated To Arresting Criminals
Corrupt Judges, Politicians, Bankers and Others Guilty of Treason, Fraud or Subversion of Our Constitutional Rights Must be Brought to Justice. I Support Justice by Approving that David Allender (the organizer of this) Lead a Team of His Choosing with Full Authority Over All Law Enforcement and Military Personnel and Issuance of Warrants for Arrests and Detention of Suspects.
I Want My and Others' Time and Monetary Investments Into This Effort of Ending Corruption To Be Repaid
WTP are Dealing with these Issues Solely Due to Acts of Criminals, Those Taking Action to End Corruption Deserve to be Repaid at a rate of $15/hr for Time and 2x Reimbursement for Money Contributed to Unidigi and the Affirmative Action Alliance.
Repeal All Laws Which in Any Way Restrict Manufacture, Sale, Possession or Use of Guns for Self Defense
All Forms of Gun Control are Unconstitutional and I Want Everyone of Sound Mind Among WTP to Have the Full, Original Version of Rights Afforded to us by The Second Amendment Without Exception Nor Dilution of any Kind Regardless of Anything Past, Present or Future. This is to be Effective Henceforth and Any Attempt to Undermine it Will Be Considered an Act of Treason.
Take Corruption Out of Elections, End The Electoral College, Lobbying and Non-Public Financing of Campaigns
I Want All Elections To Be Simple, Balanced and Fair with ZERO Monetary Involvement From Private or Business Entities, Each Candidate Should Get Equal Funding and Equal Airtime In Broadcast/Print/Web Presence and Equal Time In Debates, All To Be Provided, Monitored and Enforced Respectively By Publicly Regulated Election Commissions to be created henceforth.
Public Officials Against This Effort (as evidenced by their non or no votes hereto) Must Resign Immediately
I Want My County and Country To Function as a Constitutional, Democratic Republic. I Will Not Tolerate the Advancement of Communism, Fascism or Socialism. Public Officials Who Swore Oaths To Uphold The Constitution But Don’t, Will Be Considered Guilty of Treason Which is Punishable By Death Under the Law to be Upheld Henceforth Without Legal Procedure by WTP.

The Affirmative Action Alliances' Independence Declaration

The Following Decree is Fully Supported by My Constitutional Rights Provided by the 10th Amendment as Follows;
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This law gives WTP, “the electorate” right to change or create ANY LAW by majority will.

I formerly protest to being lied to, propagandized, defrauded, oppressed, diseased or poisoned by corrupt, evil, murderous subversives in our government, corporations, churches and media. I agree that subversion is treason and genocide is murder which must be treated and prosecuted as such. While bringing said subversives to justice, I agree the only *actions WTP can be held legally responsible for are Murder, Rape, Fraud, Trespassing and Theft against WTP only and any act not of self defense causing physical harm to WTP or property thereof. (No penalties for acts of civil or self defense, citizens arrests, not wearing a helmet, seatbelt, glasses or possession/use of naturally occurring plants/microbes or doing anything else innocuous to WTP, animals or the earth.) I want this to be retroactive and demand the immediate release from prisons and jails nationwide of all WTP that would be non-offenders under this new law. All uses of WTP (We the People) herein are to be defined as those whose yes votes were accepted by a verified or higher level Unidigi user and have an active status at at any time henceforth.

Outside of the *actions listed above, no form of noncompliance by WTP of any law shall be grounds for any form of indictment, punishment or penalties whatsoever, this shall include but not be limited to WTP not paying sales, use, property, income or any other taxes, fines, penalties or payments outside those due to WTP or those determined by juries made up solely of WTP. There will be no suspension or denial of financial, nutritional, educational, or medical support to WTP nor requirements of insurance, degrees, authorizations, tests, registrations, ratings and/or licenses of any kind for WTP to vote, live, educate, work, drive, travel, communicate and function in society nor shall there be any limitations to WTP for transacting or communicating in any manner.

I hereby assert my natural rights inherent to the condition of human existence including, but not limited to, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well as the right to treat, heal and cure myself without limitation whatsoever by all natural and/or other means at my disposal, and to keep and bear arms with any and all types of weaponry that I alone deem necessary to aid in defense of the lives of myself, my family and friends as well as to protect our freedom, liberty and property from ALL aggressors.

I agree that excepting the rest of Gods' Laws, the language of this part 13 will be the whole of the law for WTP which supersedes any and all other laws of man or polity and that such law along with those established by this "UNIDIGI PUBLIC BILL #1" shall only apply to WTP as defined herein and that WTP are immune from arrest and/or detainment for other crimes and that said immunity must be determined by authorities by identifying WTP within the database at as active members.
Nullify Statutes of Limitations, Immunities and Any Other Obstacles for Prosecuting Crimes Committed by Any Public Official, Govt Employee or Contractor (Past or Present) and Nullify Immunity From Lawsuits Against Them
We The People Must Have the Ability to Hold All Persons Guilty of Crime Accountable Like Anyone Else; No One is Above the Law. And in Like Fashion Absolutely No One Can Be Immune From Being Sued to Pay for Harms or Wrongs Done to Others.
Build Out to Enable We the People To Have Direct, Open Communications With Our Public Officials
We The People Must Have Simple and Free Ways to Contact Our Public Officials and Require a Timely Response From Them on Any Matter of Importance to Public Welfare. All Such Communications Must Be Available to the Public in Real Time Online.
Build Out as a Tool For WTP to Hold Public Officials Accountable Via Online Polling and Voting
I Want a Simple, Free and Effective Check and Balance System for We The People to Oversee the Promoting, Demoting or Firing of Our Public Officials. No One Working for the Public Should Have a Virtually Guaranteed, Often Life Long and Well Paid Career Without Being Deserving of it. I Want to Return to the Fundamental Guidelines of The Articles Of Confederation Written By Our Forefathers Which Say Holding Public Office is an Act of Civic Duty Not a Golden Ticket For Money, Power or Fame.
All Forms of Animal Cruelty and Abuse are Criminal Acts as Prescribed by Current Laws Which Must be Upheld
As A Caring, Compassionate and Responsible Steward of This Earth I Want to Put an End to the Torturous, Inhumane Businesses of Factory Farming, Animal Laboratory Testing and Incarceration of Innocent Animals for Any For Profit Purpose. Animal Cruelty is a Felony, Dollar Signs Do Not Justify it and Those Guilty Must Be Stopped and Held Accountable by Law.
Anyone Suspected of Criminal Activity by WTP Must Be Arrested & Cited Immediately Regardless of Other Opinions
Those Suspected of Committing any Crime by Two or More of WTP with ID Levels 8 or Higher Must Upon Reporting by Them Be Cited by Law Enforcement if a Misdemeanor or if a Felony Arrested by Law Enforcement or By WTP with Whatever Use of Force Required and if Survived to be Incarcerated in the Nearest Jail Without Bond Until Convicted or Deemed Innocent by a Jury Made up Exclusively of WTP.
Criminalize Mass Sending of Unsolicited Mail, Text Messages, Robocalls, Polling, Advertising and Telemarketing
I Want Stiff, Mandatory Penalties of a $5,000 Fine and 10 Days in Jail for Every Count of This Violation. Those Responsible for Filling Up Our Email Inboxes, Mail Boxes and Phones With Ads, Junk, Scams and Filth Must Be Stopped and Held Accountable.
Require Audio and Video Recording of All On Duty Public Officials for Transparency
I Insist On Recording the Actions and Speech of Public Officials While in Their Workspaces Throughout Their Term/s of Service.
Prosecute All Those Who Falsified Covid19 Information or Supported Violation of Our Constitutional Rights Over It
It is Now Established Fact that Due to the Govts' Total Lack of Early Response Millions of Americans Have Had CV19 as Far Back as Dec of 2019 and that it is Far Less Deadly than We Were Told. Death Certificates were Widely Falsified by Hospitals, Small Businesses were Forced to Close While the Big Ones Weren't, Healthy People were Unnecessarily Quarantined for the 1st Time in History and Safe, Proven Treatments/Cures were Intentionally Withheld. All this Ridiculousness is satanic in Origin and I Want Those Guilty of Such Things to Be Punished for Treason by the Courts or if Necessary by WTP Without Legal Procedure.
I Demand All Unrecorded Meetings of Public Officials Be Considered Most Likely as Treasonous
Any Public Official Participating in Secret Unrecorded Meetings Not Open to the General Public or Media Shall be Considered a Potential Traitor to WTP to be Solely Determined by WTP and Dealt with Accordingly Henceforth. I Demand Transparency.
I Demand An Immediate Halt To The Implementation and Use of 4G+ and 5G Technology In My County
I want all equipment capable of broadcasting above 4G (including 4G+) in my county shut down, rendered useless immediately.
Prosecute Those Responsible for Poisoning WTP with Known Toxins in Foods, Meds and Vaccines for Manslaughter
The basis being EVERYTHING harmful to ones health should have been clearly labeled as such at minimum or banned entirely.
Remove Travel Restrictions and Cease All Forms of Government and Corporate Surveillance and Tracking of WTP
Henceforth GPS is to be Used Solely by WTP Without Unwanted Oversight by Any Entity and Aside from Verifying our Identity as One of WTP There will be No ID Checks, Searches, Tracking, Restrictions on Gatherings or Movements of WTP Whatsoever.
End the FED Starting With All Banks in My County by Utilizing Digital Currency from Unidigi DBA OutBank
At Risk of Being Automatically Guilty of Treason for Failure to Comply I Want All Corporate Officers of my Bank, Its' Management and Staff to Accept Transfer of My Digital Outbank Currency and Exchange it Dollar for Dollar for Deposit Into My Account Within 72 Hours of Receipt of Proof of Transfer from Me Via
How’s that “for a change”?!
Aside from voting and supporting this effort, the best use of everyones’ time from here on out will be in taking care of your body, mind and soul at;
~ Peace, David & Peggy ~
NOTE: Comments are not being monitored due to lack of time.


Unidigi Public Bill #1; Unstoppable AAA Ballot




aaa ballot

This is all about three simple yet hard to accept FACTS: 

1. We have never voted on anything that mattered.

2. We have never had any real way of knowing if our vote/s were counted! and . . .

3. We have never had the ability to see how others voted which if you stop to think about it, is TOTALLY BACKWARDS.  For instance would you vote for someone who you know voted “yes” for genocide via war, starvation and poisoning of hundreds of millions of innocent men, women and children around the world?  NO had better be your answer!  (Because if not, you’re going down with them soon!)

We’re going to change all of that and end corruption around the world with this revolutionary AAA Ballot!!! 

Now, we thought about protests but it’s overly apparent our govt has made sure that very few have the courage to participate. We also thought about petitions but they and protests can be called one-sided, only accounting for the people who feel one way on an issue.

Polls and ballots on the other hand, reveal the whole composition. They can be used constructively, to officially prove public sentiment of the majority and demand change without all the red tape and uncertainty of petitions. We can choose the subjects, vote on them and obtain the official results without any government influence or limitations which is exactly what our bill of rights allows and directs us to do. This should be very telling for you;

Corrupt officials don’t want us voting outside of their influence on issues chosen by us!

You’ll soon come to understand that choosing what we vote on and making voting super accessible for EVERYONE via the net are the keys to your future and freedom which current leadership of all political parties alike do not want you to have! Controlling the issues we’re “allowed” to vote on and making sure up to two hundred million Americans can’t or won’t vote (out of sheer disappointment and disillusionment as voting being “futile”) was the goal.  This is how two thirds of Americans have been bullied into silence and submission to a corrupt government.

In U.S. 2014 midterms turnout was only 36.4%, its lowest ever since WW2! This is how “they” have managed to break our democracy and many of our freedom loving spirits. So, we’re here to do online polling where YOU participate in deciding what YOU WANT TO VOTE ON and then vote on it all in a simple, quick, convenient and TRANSPARENT manner for EVERYONE. (That means EVERYONE with ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS can take part in the most important facet of our democracy, voting!)

We want the whole enchilada of DEMOCRACY in our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, and we think you’ll like how we’ve prepared it along with a $3 million dollar network to organize and run things with. (That’s, a new kind of internet grid to be owned, operated and regulated solely by WTP)  It combined with our landmark AAA ballots will create the change everyone is thirsting for.

Each AAA ballot is automatically serialized for assured counting and convenient verification once entered into the database at by AAA volunteers. Every voter can verify their vote anytime at Unidigi. We’ve made sure this is 100% legal, fair, verifiable and foolproof. No miscounts, hanging chads or fraud is possible, the process is simple, the results are iron clad and EVERYONE is invited to participate in this paradigm shifting page in human history.


This is how God is going to help us change our country and world!!!


Traducción Española

Unidigi Upick Ballot - Public Bill #1


Unidigi Public Bill #1


For Democracy, Freedom & Justice

We The People Do Not Consent To:

We Say No to: US Officials Keeping Traitorous Alliances or Supporting Bigoted Special Interests of Citizens United, Super Pacs, the ADL, AIPAC, SPLC, JDL, & Etc. Anti-Democratic Entities

We Say No to: The Plethora of Illegal and Anti-Democratic Presidential Orders and Other Non-Congressional Changes To The Constitution Of The United States of America and our Bill of Rights

We Say No to: Any Minority Religious, Ethnical or Other Group Owning/Controlling the Majority of U.S. TV/Radio Channels, Newspapers, Magazines, Books, Movie Studios, Banks and Largest Corporations

We Say No to: Diplomatic Immunity, Noahide and Sharia Laws Passed By Congress Which Make It Legal for Some to Cheat, Rape, Persecute & Enslave the Common Man at Home or Abroad

We Say No to: All Forms of Government Sponsored/Sanctioned Propaganda and Use of Psychological Warfare to Oppress We The People Via Mental Conditioning/Programming of All Kinds

We Say No to: Covert Modification Of Earths’ Weather via HAARP, NEXRAD and/or the Introduction of Harmful Metallic, Chemical or Biological Elements Into Our Air, Water, Soils or Food

We Say No to: Eugenics & Population Control via Private Labeling of Foods, GMOs, Tainted Vaccines, Flouridated Drinking Water, Psychotropic Drugs & Etc. Harms of All Kinds to the General Public

We Say No to: Unwelcome and Unnecessary, Non-Court Ordered Data Mining, Sharing of Private Info, Surveillance and Recordings of All Kinds By Government and/or Commercial Entities

We Say No to: The U.S. Government Allowing Censorship or Banning of Truthful Information by Publicly Traded Companies Such as Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter or the “Big 5“ of Media

We Say No to: The Fraudulently Enacted Federal Reserve Act of 1913, We Demand the FED (or it’s replacement, i.e. “Outbank”) Be Owned and Governed By “We The People” As it Used to Be

We Say No to: Our Youths and Our Military Being Used To Terrorize and Heinously Murder Completely Innocent, Non-Aggressive, Unarmed Men, Women and Children Anywhere on Earth

We Say No to: Traitorous Communists, Fascists or Socialists Having Dual Citizenship In the United States of America or Working in Our Government, Schools, Media or Entertainment Industries

We Say No to: Being “Policed” by Dangerous SWAT Teams In Military Assault Vehicles Armed w/Military Grade Projectiles, Sonic, Electromagnetic, Radiation or Other Combat Weaponry

We Say No to: The Department of Army Field Manual 30-39.40 and the Army Regulation 210-35 for Civilian Inmate Labor Program, 2 Documents Every American Must Be Aware Of

We Say No to: Any US Officials’ Involvement w/Occult (secretive) Practices of Talmudism, Satanism or Luciferianism (Yale’s Skull & Bones, the Bohemian Club, CFR, etc.)

NOT Oligarchy, Oppression & Injustice!
Dear Compatriot, along with all that, you’ve also been cunningly robbed of your ability to vote on any issues that really matter to you. But regaining your rights is simple, painless, peaceful, and rewarding both personally and monetarily (if desired by the majority, see initiative #9). That said, there is another important use for this ballot that comes with a very serious note of caution; Those who don’t support this are LITERALLY YOUR MORTAL ENEMIES, BEWARE. Report them at and be advised they seek to enact martial law to safeguard themselves from retaliation by you and your fellow countrymen/women upon your awakening. As you should be able to clearly see, the people responsible for all the above don’t care one iota about you and yours. Use your head, see the obvious, if someone balks at this or refuses to participate, ask yourself why? Who wouldn’t want democracy in America and why would anyone be opposed to the truth, justice or equality under the law? The reason of course is they’re treasonous, criminal bigots who like all crooks don’t want to be caught. Your freedom, security and likely even your life itself depend on this working, inform others & learn more with the next AAA newsletter and the Goyim Gazette.



Upon Determination of Majority Rule of Voters from My County by the Person I Hereby Appoint I Demand all Parts of this be Immediately Adopted as Law Without Delay/s of Any Kind for any Reason/s and any Individuals Responsible for Delay/s will be Considered Committers of the Crime of Treason Punishable by We the People (WTP) Without Legal Procedure. By exercising my constitutional, God given right to vote in this democratic process, I understand and agree; my vote will be of public record; I have lived in the USA for 1 or more years to date; I have lived in this county for one (1) or more months to date and I will only vote once on this UNIDIGI PUBLIC BILL #1:

I Have Read and Agree with the "Do Not Consent Notice" and Want All Voices Heard In This REAL Democratic Process
Aside from the Qualifiers in the Paragraph Above I Demand that All Votes Hereto be Accepted by My City, County, State and Federal Government/s Without Protest/s or Refusal/s of Any Kind and; I Hereby Appoint associates of the Affirmative Action Alliance overseen by David Allender of Unidigi Authority for Collecting All Votes to Determine Majority Will of WTP in My County and Informing My Sheriff and/or Other Controlling Officials of What They Must Do to Conform Herewith. Any Resistance From Anyone to Adhere to my Demand Shall be Considered Treason Punishable by WTP Without Legal Procedure.
Henceforth WTP Will Select All City, County, State and Federal Servants and Must Pre-Approve All Major Govt Actions
I Believe All Major Decisions (candidates, elections, firing of government employees, changes in policy, law, monetary or resource expenditures, military aggression and whatever else we choose ongoing) Must Require Majority Public Support Found By Way of Free, Secure and Transparent Online Polling and Voting with or other online resource per the majority will of WTP.
Support and Funding to Build a New Public Owned Internet Resource to be Solely Owned and Regulated By WTP
I Demand Free Speech, Total Security/Privacy in All Transactions and a Transparent, Electronic System for Polls and Voting of All Kinds with FREE and Convenient Access For Everyone. Upon Passage of This Bill I Want my County to Provide Unidigi with 1% of its Annual Forecasted Revenue to be Paid Within 30 Days to Begin Accomplishing This and Continuing Each Year Henceforth.
Full Government and Media Cooperation With We the People In Informing the Public About This Bill
Any Censoring of this Project or Failure to See It Gets Full, Honest Coverage (especially by govt officials and media persons) is Traitorous to WTP. Silence is Aiding and Abetting the Enemy As Well As Dereliction of Duty When There’s an Obvious Requirement to Act for the Common Good, Both are Felonies to be Punishable Without Legal Procedure Henceforth by WTP.
Youths Deserve Equal Say In All Matters Relevant to Their and Our Immediate Futures
The Minimum Age Requirement of 18 to Vote is Nonsensical. If any Person 16 (sixteen) Years of Age or Older is of Sound Mind and Can Comprehend The Basis of These Issues Being Voted On, They Should Have a Say in Voting Now and Henceforth.
Cease Foreclosures and Evictions of WTP from Primary Residences and Illegalize Credit Checks For Housing
26 Million U.S. Homes Handed To Corrupt FED Banksters for Absolutely FREE by U.S. Sheriffs Since 2000 is Enough. Regardless of Ones' Credit Score or Financial Condition I Want Everyone to Have a Home and Wish To End Homelessness.
Investigate, Arrest and Prosecute All Parties Suspected of Involvement in 9/11 and Other Terrorist False Flag Ops
WTP Want a New Fully Transparent Investigation of the Events Leading Up to and Following 9/11 with Our Questions Answered by All Suspects. No Closed Doors, Hedging, Skirting or Avoidance of Pertinent Questions. Aside from Personal Issues Having to do with Family, Sex or Health, I Believe at Risk of Treason, All Public Officials Must Be Legally Required To Publicly Answer All Reasonable Questions Posed to Them, Especially on the Horrific 9/11 Attacks and All Acts of Aggression Stemmed Therefrom.
Build a Team with Authority Over All Military and Law Enforcement Personnel Dedicated To Arresting Criminals
Corrupt Judges, Politicians, Bankers and Others Guilty of Treason, Fraud or Subversion of Our Constitutional Rights Must be Brought to Justice. I Support Justice by Approving that David Allender (the organizer of this) Lead a Team of His Choosing with Full Authority Over All Law Enforcement and Military Personnel and Issuance of Warrants for Arrests and Detention of Suspects.
I Want My and Others' Time and Monetary Investments Into This Effort of Ending Corruption To Be Repaid
WTP are Dealing with these Issues Solely Due to Acts of Criminals, Those Taking Action to End Corruption Deserve to be Repaid at a rate of $15/hr for Time and 2x Reimbursement for Money Contributed to Unidigi and the Affirmative Action Alliance.
Repeal All Laws Which in Any Way Restrict Manufacture, Sale, Possession or Use of Guns for Self Defense
All Forms of Gun Control are Unconstitutional and I Want Everyone of Sound Mind Among WTP to Have the Full, Original Version of Rights Afforded to us by The Second Amendment Without Exception Nor Dilution of any Kind Regardless of Anything Past, Present or Future. This is to be Effective Henceforth and Any Attempt to Undermine it Will Be Considered an Act of Treason.
Take Corruption Out of Elections, End The Electoral College, Lobbying and Non-Public Financing of Campaigns
I Want All Elections To Be Simple, Balanced and Fair with ZERO Monetary Involvement From Private or Business Entities, Each Candidate Should Get Equal Funding and Equal Airtime In Broadcast/Print/Web Presence and Equal Time In Debates, All To Be Provided, Monitored and Enforced Respectively By Publicly Regulated Election Commissions to be created henceforth.
Public Officials Against This Effort (as evidenced by their non or no votes hereto) Must Resign Immediately
I Want My County and Country To Function as a Constitutional, Democratic Republic. I Will Not Tolerate the Advancement of Communism, Fascism or Socialism. Public Officials Who Swore Oaths To Uphold The Constitution But Don’t, Will Be Considered Guilty of Treason Which is Punishable By Death Under the Law to be Upheld Henceforth Without Legal Procedure by WTP.

The Affirmative Action Alliances' Independence Declaration

The Following Decree is Fully Supported by My Constitutional Rights Provided by the 10th Amendment as Follows;
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This law gives WTP, “the electorate” right to change or create ANY LAW by majority will.

I formerly protest to being lied to, propagandized, defrauded, oppressed, diseased or poisoned by corrupt, evil, murderous subversives in our government, corporations, churches and media. I agree that subversion is treason and genocide is murder which must be treated and prosecuted as such. While bringing said subversives to justice, I agree the only *actions WTP can be held legally responsible for are Murder, Rape, Fraud, Trespassing and Theft against WTP only and any act not of self defense causing physical harm to WTP or property thereof. (No penalties for acts of civil or self defense, citizens arrests, not wearing a helmet, seatbelt, glasses or possession/use of naturally occurring plants/microbes or doing anything else innocuous to WTP, animals or the earth.) I want this to be retroactive and demand the immediate release from prisons and jails nationwide of all WTP that would be non-offenders under this new law. All uses of WTP (We the People) herein are to be defined as those whose yes votes were accepted by a verified or higher level Unidigi user and have an active status at at any time henceforth.

Outside of the *actions listed above, no form of noncompliance by WTP of any law shall be grounds for any form of indictment, punishment or penalties whatsoever, this shall include but not be limited to WTP not paying sales, use, property, income or any other taxes, fines, penalties or payments outside those due to WTP or those determined by juries made up solely of WTP. There will be no suspension or denial of financial, nutritional, educational, or medical support to WTP nor requirements of insurance, degrees, authorizations, tests, registrations, ratings and/or licenses of any kind for WTP to vote, live, educate, work, drive, travel, communicate and function in society nor shall there be any limitations to WTP for transacting or communicating in any manner.

I hereby assert my natural rights inherent to the condition of human existence including, but not limited to, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well as the right to treat, heal and cure myself without limitation whatsoever by all natural and/or other means at my disposal, and to keep and bear arms with any and all types of weaponry that I alone deem necessary to aid in defense of the lives of myself, my family and friends as well as to protect our freedom, liberty and property from ALL aggressors.

I agree that excepting the rest of Gods' Laws, the language of this part 13 will be the whole of the law for WTP which supersedes any and all other laws of man or polity and that such law along with those established by this "UNIDIGI PUBLIC BILL #1" shall only apply to WTP as defined herein and that WTP are immune from arrest and/or detainment for other crimes and that said immunity must be determined by authorities by identifying WTP within the database at as active members.
Nullify Statutes of Limitations, Immunities and Any Other Obstacles for Prosecuting Crimes Committed by Any Public Official, Govt Employee or Contractor (Past or Present) and Nullify Immunity From Lawsuits Against Them
We The People Must Have the Ability to Hold All Persons Guilty of Crime Accountable Like Anyone Else; No One is Above the Law. And in Like Fashion Absolutely No One Can Be Immune From Being Sued to Pay for Harms or Wrongs Done to Others.
Build Out to Enable We the People To Have Direct, Open Communications With Our Public Officials
We The People Must Have Simple and Free Ways to Contact Our Public Officials and Require a Timely Response From Them on Any Matter of Importance to Public Welfare. All Such Communications Must Be Available to the Public in Real Time Online.
Build Out as a Tool For WTP to Hold Public Officials Accountable Via Online Polling and Voting
I Want a Simple, Free and Effective Check and Balance System for We The People to Oversee the Promoting, Demoting or Firing of Our Public Officials. No One Working for the Public Should Have a Virtually Guaranteed, Often Life Long and Well Paid Career Without Being Deserving of it. I Want to Return to the Fundamental Guidelines of The Articles Of Confederation Written By Our Forefathers Which Say Holding Public Office is an Act of Civic Duty Not a Golden Ticket For Money, Power or Fame.
All Forms of Animal Cruelty and Abuse are Criminal Acts as Prescribed by Current Laws Which Must be Upheld
As A Caring, Compassionate and Responsible Steward of This Earth I Want to Put an End to the Torturous, Inhumane Businesses of Factory Farming, Animal Laboratory Testing and Incarceration of Innocent Animals for Any For Profit Purpose. Animal Cruelty is a Felony, Dollar Signs Do Not Justify it and Those Guilty Must Be Stopped and Held Accountable by Law.
Anyone Suspected of Criminal Activity by WTP Must Be Arrested & Cited Immediately Regardless of Other Opinions
Those Suspected of Committing any Crime by Two or More of WTP with ID Levels 8 or Higher Must Upon Reporting by Them Be Cited by Law Enforcement if a Misdemeanor or if a Felony Arrested by Law Enforcement or By WTP with Whatever Use of Force Required and if Survived to be Incarcerated in the Nearest Jail Without Bond Until Convicted or Deemed Innocent by a Jury Made up Exclusively of WTP.
Criminalize Mass Sending of Unsolicited Mail, Text Messages, Robocalls, Polling, Advertising and Telemarketing
I Want Stiff, Mandatory Penalties of a $5,000 Fine and 10 Days in Jail for Every Count of This Violation. Those Responsible for Filling Up Our Email Inboxes, Mail Boxes and Phones With Ads, Junk, Scams and Filth Must Be Stopped and Held Accountable.
Require Audio and Video Recording of All On Duty Public Officials for Transparency
I Insist On Recording the Actions and Speech of Public Officials While in Their Workspaces Throughout Their Term/s of Service.
Prosecute All Those Who Falsified Covid19 Information or Supported Violation of Our Constitutional Rights Over It
It is Now Established Fact that Due to the Govts' Total Lack of Early Response Millions of Americans Have Had CV19 as Far Back as Dec of 2019 and that it is Far Less Deadly than We Were Told. Death Certificates were Widely Falsified by Hospitals, Small Businesses were Forced to Close While the Big Ones Weren't, Healthy People were Unnecessarily Quarantined for the 1st Time in History and Safe, Proven Treatments/Cures were Intentionally Withheld. All this Ridiculousness is satanic in Origin and I Want Those Guilty of Such Things to Be Punished for Treason by the Courts or if Necessary by WTP Without Legal Procedure.
I Demand All Unrecorded Meetings of Public Officials Be Considered Most Likely as Treasonous
Any Public Official Participating in Secret Unrecorded Meetings Not Open to the General Public or Media Shall be Considered a Potential Traitor to WTP to be Solely Determined by WTP and Dealt with Accordingly Henceforth. I Demand Transparency.
I Demand An Immediate Halt To The Implementation and Use of 4G+ and 5G Technology In My County
I want all equipment capable of broadcasting above 4G (including 4G+) in my county shut down, rendered useless immediately.
Prosecute Those Responsible for Poisoning WTP with Known Toxins in Foods, Meds and Vaccines for Manslaughter
The basis being EVERYTHING harmful to ones health should have been clearly labeled as such at minimum or banned entirely.
Remove Travel Restrictions and Cease All Forms of Government and Corporate Surveillance and Tracking of WTP
Henceforth GPS is to be Used Solely by WTP Without Unwanted Oversight by Any Entity and Aside from Verifying our Identity as One of WTP There will be No ID Checks, Searches, Tracking, Restrictions on Gatherings or Movements of WTP Whatsoever.
End the FED Starting With All Banks in My County by Utilizing Digital Currency from Unidigi DBA OutBank
At Risk of Being Automatically Guilty of Treason for Failure to Comply I Want All Corporate Officers of my Bank, Its' Management and Staff to Accept Transfer of My Digital Outbank Currency and Exchange it Dollar for Dollar for Deposit Into My Account Within 72 Hours of Receipt of Proof of Transfer from Me Via



Unidigi Public Bill #1; Unstoppable AAA Spanish Ballot




Por la Democracia, Libertad y Justicia

Nosotros, El Pueblo No Estamos De Acuerdo Con:

decimos no a: Funcionarios de EE.UU. que mantengan Alianzas traicioneras o que apoyen los intereses intolerante especiales de Citizens United, Super Pacs, la ADL, el AIPAC, SPLC, JDL, ni otras entidades antidemocráticas.

rechazamos: todas las órdenes presidenciales ilegales y antidemocráticas y otros cambios realizados fuera del congreso a la constitución de los Estados Unidos de América y la Carta de Derechos estadounidense

rechazamos: Cualquier minoría religiosa, étnica o de otro tipo que sea dueña/controle la mayoría de la televisión estadounidense/emisoras de radio, periódicos, revistas, libros, estudios de cine, bancos y grandes corporaciones

rechazamos: Inmunidad Diplomática, Las leyes de Noahide y Sharia aprobadas por el Congreso que hacen que algunas personas puedan evitar sus condenas en casos de engaño, Violación, Persecución y Esclavización de personas comunes en el hogar o en el extranjero

rechazamos: todas las formas de propaganda auspiciada/sancionada por el gobierno y el uso de guerra psicológica para oprimirnos a nosotros, el pueblo, mediante condicionamiento/programación mental de cualquier tipo

rechazamos: La modificación encubierta del clima del planeta a través de HAARP, NEXRAD y/o la introducción de elementos metálicos, químicos o biológicos nocivos en el aire, el agua, los alimentos o el suelo

rechazamos: Eugenesia y Control Poblacional a través de la Etiquetación Privada de Alimentos, GMOs, Vacunas Dañadas, Agua Potable con Flúor, Drogas Psicotrópicas y Daños de todo tipo al público general

rechazamos: minería de datos innecesaria, sin autorización y sin órdenes judiciales, compartir información privada, vigilancia y registros de todo tipo por el gobierno y/o entidades comerciales

rechazamos: que el gobierno permita la censura o eliminación de información verífica por compañías públicas como Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter o los “5 grandes” de los medios de comunicación

rechazamos: La Ley de la Reserva Federal fraudulenta Promulgada de 1913, exigimos que la FED (o su reemplazo, es decir, “OutBank”) sean propiedad y gobernados por “Nosotros la gente”, como solía ser

rechazamos: que nuestros jóvenes y nuestros militares sean usados para aterrorizar y asesinar cruelmente a hombres, mujeres y niños inocentes y sin armas alrededor del mundo

rechazamos: a traidores comunistas, fascistas o socialistas que tienen doble ciudadanía en los Estados Unidos y que trabajan o tienen cargos en nuestro gobierno, escuelas, medios de comunicación o iglesias donde podrían esparcir propaganda

rechazamos: Ser “vigilados” por los equipos SWAT en peligrosos vehículos de asalto militar armados con proyectiles de grado militar, armas sónicas, electromagnéticas, de radiación o de cualquier otro tipo

rechazamos: El Manual de Campo del Departamento de Armada 30- 39.40 y el Reglamento de la Armada 210-35 para el programa de labor de los reclusos civiles, 2 Documentos que cada estadounidense debe conocer

rechazamos: cualquier tipo de participación de funcionarios estadounidenses con prácticas ocultas (en secrecía) de talmudismo, satanismo o luciferanismo (La calavera y huesos de Yale, el Club Bohemio, CFR, entre otros)

¡NO A La Oligarquía, La Opresión Y La Injusticia!
Estimado compatriota, además de todo esto, usted ha sido también astutamente robado de su capacidad para votar en cualquier asunto que realmente le importe. Pero recuperar sus derechos es algo simple, indoloro, tranquilo y reconfortante tanto monetaria como personalmente (si la mayoría está de acuerdo con la iniciativa #9). Habiendo dicho esto, hay otro uso importante para esta papeleta que tiene una precaución muy seria; Aquellos que no apoyen esto son LITERALMENTE NUESTROS ENEMIGOS MORTALES, CUIDADO. Repórtelos en y notifique que buscan promulgar la ley marcial para protegerse de las consecuencias por usted y sus compatriotas. Usted ya debe ser capaz de ver que las personas responsables de lo antes mencionado no se preocupan ni un poco por usted ni por los suyos. Use la cabeza, vea las cosas obvias, si alguien no quiere participar en esto, pregúntese, ¿por qué? ¿Quién no querría democracia en Estados Unidos y por qué alguien podría estar en contra de la verdad, la justicia o la igualdad ante la ley? La razón para esto, por supuesto, es que son traicioneros y criminales, que sienten afinidad por los corruptos y no quieren que los atrapen. Su seguridad, libertad e incluso su propia vida dependen de que esto funcione. Informe a otros y obtenga más información con el boletín de AAA.


A continuación, la papeleta en sí, pero primero una nota rápida; Solo como un FYI; podremos cambiar cualquiera de las 26 iniciativas a continuación si la mayoría lo decide. (Básicamente, alguien tuvo que idear el primer conjunto para capacitar a la gente para hacer todo esto, así que éramos nosotros. Son iniciativas excelentes y de sentido común que mantuvimos simples / breves para que pudieran caber en solo 2 hojas tamaño carta de papel. Por lo tanto, seguramente se necesitarán algunos ajustes y, por supuesto, se adoptarán muchos nuevos. ¡Pero tenemos la plataforma de lanzamiento y eso es todo lo que la gente necesitábamos!)

Tras la determinación de la mayoría de los votantes de mi condado por la persona que por la presente designo, exijo que todas las partes de este documento se adopten inmediatamente como ley, sin retrasos de ningún tipo por cualquier razón, y los individuos responsables de los retrasos se considerarán como autores del delito de traición punible por nosotros el pueblo (WTP), sin necesidad de un procedimiento legal. Al ejercer mi derecho constitucional, concedido por Dios, de votar en este proceso democrático, entiendo y estoy de acuerdo en que mi voto será de dominio público; he vivido en los Estados Unidos durante uno o más años hasta la fecha; he vivido en este condado durante uno (1) o más meses hasta la fecha y votaré una sola vez sobre esto PROYECTO DE LEY PÚBLICA UNIDIGI Nº 1:

He leído y estoy de acuerdo con el "Aviso de No Consentimiento" y quiero que todas las voces sean escuchadas en este proceso democrático REAL
Aparte de los calificativos del párrafo anterior, exijo que todos los votos sean aceptados por los gobiernos de mi ciudad, condado, estado y federal, sin protestas ni rechazos de ningún tipo, y por la presente nombro a (nombre del voluntario por este país) bajo las órdenes de David Allender de la Autoridad Unidigi para la recolección, conteo y documentación de todos los votos para determinar la voluntad de la mayoría de WTP en mi condado e informar al alguacil y/u otros oficiales de control de lo que deben hacer para cumplir con el presente. Toda resistencia de alguien a respetar mi demanda se considerará una traición castigada por WTP sin necesidad de un procedimiento legal.
De ahora en adelante WTP seleccionaremos a todos los funcionarios de la ciudad, condado, estado y federales y debe aprobar previamente todas las acciones importantes del gobierno
Creo que todas las decisiones importantes (candidatos, elecciones, despido de empleados del gobierno, cambios en la política, la ley, gastos monetarios o de recursos, agresión militar y cualquier otra cosa que elijamos en el futuro) deben contar con el apoyo de la mayoría del público, el cual se obtiene a través de la votación y el sondeo en línea libre, seguro y transparente con u otro recurso en línea, según la voluntad de la mayoría de WTP.
Apoyo y financiación para construir un nuevo recurso de Internet de propiedad pública que será propiedad exclusiva de WTP y estará regulado por nosotros
Exijo libertad de expresión, total seguridad y privacidad en todas las transacciones y un sistema electrónico transparente para las encuestas y votaciones de todo tipo con acceso libre y conveniente para todos. Tras la aprobación de este proyecto de ley quiero que mi condado proporcione a Unidigi el 1% de sus ingresos anuales previstos, que se pagarán en un plazo de 30 días para empezar a cumplir con esto y continuar cada año a partir de ahora.
La plena cooperación del gobierno y los medios de comunicación con nosotros el pueblo para informar al público sobre este proyecto de ley
Cualquier censura de este proyecto o el hecho de que no se vea que tiene una cobertura completa y honesta (especialmente por funcionarios del gobierno y personas de los medios de comunicación) es una traición a WTP. Callar es ayudar e instigar al enemigo, así como abandonar el deber cuando hay una necesidad evidente de actuar por el bien común, ambos son delitos graves que deben ser castigados sin necesidad de un proceso legal de ahora en adelante por WTP.
Los jóvenes merecen que se les dé la misma voz en todos los asuntos relevantes para su futuro inmediato y el nuestro
El requisito de edad mínima de 18 años para votar no tiene sentido. Si alguna persona de 15 (quince) años o más está en su sano juicio y puede comprender la base de estos temas que se votan, debe tener voz y voto ahora y en adelante
Cesar las ejecuciones hipotecarias y los desalojos de WTP de las residencias primarias e ilegalizar los cheques de crédito para la vivienda
Es suficiente con 26 millones de hogares estadounidenses que han sido entregados a banqueros federales corruptos de manera absolutamente GRATUITA por los alguaciles de EE. UU. desde el año 2000. Sin importar el puntaje de crédito o la condición financiera de alguien, quiero que todos tengan un hogar y deseo terminar con la falta de vivienda.
Investigar, arrestar y procesar a todas las partes sospechosas de participar en el 11-S y otras operaciones terroristas con falsas banderas
WTP queremos una investigación totalmente transparente de los hechos previos y posteriores al 11-S en la que todos los sospechosos respondan a nuestras preguntas. Sin puertas cerradas, sin coberturas, sin rodeos o sin evadir las preguntas pertinentes. Dejando a un lado los asuntos personales relacionados con la familia, el sexo o la salud, creo que, en caso de riesgo de traición, todos los funcionarios públicos deben estar legalmente obligados a responder públicamente a todas las preguntas razonables que se les hagan, especialmente sobre los horribles ataques del 11-S y todos los actos de agresión derivados de ellos.
Establecer un equipo con autoridad sobre todo el personal militar y policial dedicado a la detención de delincuentes
Los jueces corruptos, los políticos, los banqueros y otros culpables de traición, fraude o subversión de nuestros derechos constitucionales deben ser llevados ante la justicia. Apoyo a la justicia aprobando que David Allender (el organizador de esto) dirija un equipo de su elección con plena autoridad sobre todo el personal policial y militar y la emisión de órdenes de arresto y detención de sospechosos.
Quiero que mi tiempo y el de los demás y las inversiones monetarias en este esfuerzo de acabar con la corrupción sean recompensados
WTP nos encargamos de estos temas únicamente debido a los actos de los delincuentes, quienes toman medidas para poner fin a la corrupción merecen que se les pague a una tarifa de 15 dólares por hora por el tiempo y el reembolso del doble del dinero aportado a Unidigi y a la Affirmative Action Alliance.
Revocar todas las leyes que de alguna manera restringen la fabricación, venta, posesión o uso de armas para la defensa personal
Todas las formas de control de armas son inconstitucionales y quiero que todos los que están en su sano juicio entre WTP puedan tener la versión completa y original de los derechos que nos otorga la Segunda Enmienda sin excepción ni dilución de ningún tipo, sin importar nada pasado, presente o futuro. Esto se hará efectivo de ahora en adelante y cualquier intento de socavarlo será considerado un acto de traición.
Eliminar la corrupción de las elecciones, acabar con el Colegio Electoral, el cabildeo y la financiación no pública de las campañas
Quiero que todas las elecciones sean simples, equilibradas y justas sin participación monetaria de entidades privadas o comerciales, todos los candidatos deben recibir la misma financiación y el mismo tiempo de emisión en la transmisión, la impresión y la presencia en la web, y el mismo tiempo en los debates, todo ello debe ser proporcionado, supervisado y aplicado respectivamente por comisiones electorales reguladas públicamente que se crearán a partir de ahora.
Los funcionarios públicos que se opongan a este esfuerzo (como lo demuestran el no votar o sus votos en contra de este proyecto de ley) deben renunciar inmediatamente
Quiero que mi condado y mi país funcionen como una República Democrática Constitucional. No toleraré el avance del comunismo, el fascismo o el socialismo. Los funcionarios públicos que juraron defender la Constitución, pero no lo hacen serán considerados culpables de traición, la cual es castigada con la muerte en virtud de la ley y se mantendrá de ahora en adelante sin necesidad de un procedimiento legal por parte de WTP.

La Declaración de Independencia de Affirmative Action Alliances

El siguiente decreto está plenamente respaldado por mis derechos constitucionales previstos en la 10ª Enmienda de la siguiente manera;
"Los poderes que la Constitución no delega en los Estados Unidos ni prohíbe a los Estados se reservan a los Estados, respectivamente, o al pueblo.” Esta ley nos permite a WTP, "el electorado", cambiar o crear CUALQUIER LEY por voluntad de la mayoría.

Protesto formalmente contra las mentiras, la propaganda, el fraude, la opresión, la enfermedad o el envenenamiento de los subversivos corruptos, malvados y asesinos de nuestro gobierno, corporaciones, iglesias y medios de comunicación. Estoy de acuerdo en que la subversión es traición y el genocidio es un asesinato que debe ser tratado y procesado como tal. Mientras llevamos a dichos subversivos a la justicia, estoy de acuerdo en que las únicas acciones por las que WTP podríamos ser legalmente responsable son el asesinato, la violación, el fraude, el allanamiento y el robo contra WTP y cualquier otro acto que no sea de defensa propia que cause daño físico a WTP o a su propiedad. (No hay sanciones por actos de defensa civil o autodefensa, arrestos de ciudadanos, no llevar casco, cinturón de seguridad, gafas o posesión/uso de plantas/microbios naturales o hacer cualquier otra cosa inocua para WTP, animales o el planeta.) Quiero que esto sea retroactivo y exijo que se libere inmediatamente de las prisiones y cárceles de todo el país a todos los WTP que no sean delincuentes en virtud de esta nueva ley. Todos los usos de WTP (nosotros, el pueblo) en este documento deben considerarse como aquellos cuyos votos por el "sí" fueron aceptados por un usuario verificado o de nivel superior de Unidigi y tienen un estatus activo en en cualquier momento a partir de ahora.

Al margen de las acciones mencionadas anteriormente, ninguna forma de incumplimiento de WTP de cualquier ley será motivo de ninguna forma de acusación, castigo o penalización, esto incluirá, entre otras cosas, que WTP no paguemos impuestos sobre las ventas, el uso, la propiedad, los ingresos o cualquier otro tipo de impuestos, multas, sanciones o pagos fuera de los debidos a WTP o los determinados por jurados compuestos únicamente por WTP. No se suspenderá ni negará el apoyo financiero, alimentario, educativo o médico a WTP ni se nos exigirán requisitos de seguros, títulos, autorizaciones, pruebas, registros, calificaciones y/o licencias de ningún tipo para que WTP podamos votar, vivir, educar, trabajar, conducir, viajar, comunicarnos y desempeñarnos en la sociedad, ni tampoco habrá limitaciones a WTP para realizar transacciones o comunicaciones de ningún tipo.

Por la presente afirmo mis derechos naturales inherentes a la condición de la existencia humana incluyendo, entre otros, el derecho a la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad, así como el derecho a recibir tratamiento, curarme y atenderme a mí mismo sin limitación alguna por todos los medios naturales y/u otros medios a mi disposición, y a mantener y portar armas con todos y cada uno de los tipos de armamento que únicamente yo considere necesarios para la defensa de mi vida, la de mi familia y mis amigos, así como para proteger nuestra libertad y propiedad de CUALQUIER agresor.

Estoy de acuerdo en que, excepto el resto de las leyes de Dios, el lenguaje de esta parte 13 será la totalidad de la ley de WTP, que sustituye a todas y cada una de las otras leyes del hombre o de la política y que dicha ley, junto con las establecidas por este proyecto de ley "UNIDIGI #1" se aplicará únicamente a la WTP como se define en este documento y que WTP tenemos inmunidad de arresto y/o detención por otros delitos y que dicha inmunidad debe ser determinada por las autoridades mediante la identificación de WTP dentro de la base de datos en como miembros activos.
Anular los plazos de prescripción, las inmunidades y cualquier otro obstáculo para el enjuiciamiento de los delitos cometidos por cualquier funcionario público, empleado del gobierno o contratista (pasado o presente) y anular la inmunidad de las demandas contra ellos
Nosotros, el pueblo, debemos tener la capacidad de hacer responsables a todas las personas culpables de un crimen como a cualquier otra persona; nadie está por encima de la ley. Y de la misma manera, nadie puede ser inmune a una demanda para pagar por daños o perjuicios causados a otros.
Desarrollar para que el pueblo pueda tener una comunicación directa y abierta con nuestros funcionarios públicos
Nosotros, el pueblo, debemos tener formas simples y libres de contactar a nuestros funcionarios públicos y exigirles una respuesta oportuna sobre cualquier asunto de importancia para el bienestar público. Todas estas comunicaciones deben estar disponibles para el público en tiempo real en línea.
Desarrollar como una herramienta para que WTP pueda hacer responsables a los funcionarios públicos a través de la votación en línea
Quiero un sistema de control y equilibrio simple, gratuito y efectivo para que nosotros, el pueblo, supervisemos el ascenso, descenso de categoría o despido de nuestros funcionarios públicos. Nadie que trabaje para el público debería tener una carrera casi garantizada, a menudo de por vida y bien pagada, sin merecerlo. Quiero volver a las normas fundamentales de los artículos de la Confederación escritos por nuestros antepasados, que dicen que ocupar un cargo público es un acto de deber cívico, no un premio gordo de dinero, poder o fama.
Todas las formas de crueldad y abuso animal son actos criminales según lo dispuesto por las leyes actuales que deben ser respetadas
Como guardián cuidadoso, compasivo y responsable de este planeta, quiero poner fin a los tortuosos e inhumanos negocios de las granjas industriales, las pruebas de laboratorio con animales y el encarcelamiento de animales inocentes con fines de lucro. La crueldad contra los animales es un delito, el dinero no lo justifica y los culpables deben ser arrestados y juzgados según la ley.
Cualquier persona de la que WTP sospechemos que ha cometido un delito debe ser arrestada y juzgada de inmediato, independientemente de las opiniones de los demás
Aquellos que sean sospechosos de cometer cualquier crimen por dos o más de nosotros WTP con ID de Niveles 8 o superior deben, al ser denunciados por ellos, ser juzgados por las fuerzas del orden en casos de delitos menores o mayores, y arrestados por las fuerzas del orden o por WTP con cualquier uso de la fuerza necesario para que sean recluidos en la prisión más cercana sin fianza hasta que el jurado compuesto exclusivamente por nosotros, WTP, los declare culpables o inocentes.
Criminalizar el envío masivo de correo no solicitado, mensajes de texto, llamadas automáticas, encuestas, publicidad y telemarketing
Quiero una multa firme y obligatoria de 5.000 dólares y 10 días de cárcel por cada infracción. Aquellos responsables de llenar nuestros buzones de correo electrónico, buzones y teléfonos con anuncios, basura, estafas y suciedad deben ser detenidos y rendir cuentas.
Exigir que todos los funcionarios públicos de turno sean grabados en audio y vídeo para garantizar la transparencia.
Insisto en grabar las acciones y discursos de los funcionarios públicos mientras están en sus espacios de trabajo durante todo su período de servicio
Acusar a todos aquellos que falsificaron la información sobre el Covid19 o apoyaron la violación de nuestros derechos constitucionales al respecto
Se ha establecido que, debido a la falta total de respuesta rápida del gobierno, millones de estadounidenses han tenido CV19 desde diciembre de 2019 y que es mucho menos mortal de lo que se nos dijo. Se falsificaron muchas actas de defunción en los hospitales, se obligó a las pequeñas empresas a cerrar mientras las grandes no lo hacían, se puso en cuarentena a las personas sanas por primera vez en la historia y se negaron intencionadamente tratamientos y curas seguros y demostrados. Toda esta ridiculez tiene un origen satánico y quiero que los culpables de tales cosas sean castigados por traición en los tribunales o, si es necesario, por nosotros, el pueblo, sin necesidad de un juicio.
Exijo que todas las reuniones no grabadas de funcionarios públicos sean consideradas como traición
Cualquier funcionario público que participe en reuniones secretas no grabadas y no abiertas al público en general o a los medios de comunicación, será considerado un posible traidor a nosotros, el pueblo, quienes nos encargaremos del asunto según corresponda. Exijo transparencia.
Exijo que se detenga inmediatamente la implementación y el uso de la tecnología 4G+ y 5G en mi condado
Quiero que todo el equipo con capacidad de emitir por encima de 4G (incluyendo 4G+) en mi condado se apague, y quede inutilizado inmediatamente.
Acusar de homicidio a los responsables de envenenarnos a nosotros, el pueblo (WTP) con toxinas conocidas en alimentos, medicamentos y vacunas
La base es que TODO lo que es dañino para la salud debería haber sido claramente etiquetado como tal como mínimo o prohibido por completo.
Eliminar las restricciones de viaje y suspender cualquier forma de vigilancia y seguimiento gubernamental y corporativo de nosotros, el pueblo
De ahora en adelante, el GPS será usado únicamente por nosotros, el pueblo, sin supervisión indeseada de ninguna entidad y aparte de verificar nuestra identidad como uno de nosotros, el pueblo, no habrá controles de identificación, búsquedas, rastreo, restricciones en las reuniones o movimientos de nosotros, el pueblo, en absoluto.
Poner fin a la Reserva Federal, comenzando con todos los bancos de mi condado, utilizando la moneda digital de Unidigi operando bajo el nombre de OutBank
A riesgo de ser automáticamente culpable de traición por incumplimiento, quiero que todos los oficiales corporativos de mi banco, su administración y su personal, acepten las transferencias de mi moneda digital Outbank y la cambien, dólar por dólar, para depositarse en mi cuenta en un plazo de 72 horas a partir de la recepción de la prueba de transferencia de mí a través de




Todos Los Campos Requeridos

(Abreviatura de 2 letras)
(Condados de EE. UU. Solo en la actualidad)
(Solo números, sin espacios ni guiones)







TOMA NOTA SERIA: Las únicas personas que están en contra de esto son los subversivos traidores que viven en secreto entre Nosotros, la Gente del mundo. ¡No quieren cambios porque significa el fin de sus actividades ocultas y, por lo tanto, el fin de ellas! ¡Sí, su odio por este proyecto (que se basa únicamente en Verdad, Democracia y Justicia) es la forma en que los conocerá!

Si conoces o ya conoces a alguien de esa clase de traidores, no te molestes en discutir con ellos. Simplemente SALGA y envíe un correo electrónico a con su nombre y dirección. ¡Entonces espéranos, la ley y Dios Todopoderoso para que los cuidemos! (¡¡¡Lo han intentado y probado y lo han intentado en vano !!!)


¡No caigas con los asesinos sucios y mentirosos detrás de atrocidades como el 11 de septiembre y el covid que están en contra de esto y Nosotros, el Pueblo de Dios! O estás con nosotros o con ellos y el voto de cada persona o la falta del mismo será la única prueba utilizada para determinar quién es quién. SER ABSOLUTAMENTE CLARO; DESPUÉS DE LA FECHA DE CIERRE DE LA PRIMERA BOLETA, NO HABRÁ SEGUNDA OPORTUNIDAD O LENIENCIA PARA LOS TRAIDORES, YA SEA PACÍFICO U HOSTIL.

Para aquellos que quieran involucrarse con la liberación de otros en sus comunidades, contáctenos directamente. (Solo para los condados de los EE. UU. Continentales, Alaska y Hawái actualmente). ¡Obviamente, es algo muy gratificante de hacer! Si desea obtener más información sobre la AAA, nuestra Constitución y por qué nosotros, la gente, nos vemos obligados a tomar medidas serias, repasar el Affirmative Action Alliance.  O . . .